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From a psychological point of view, attachment is an unwholesome type of consciousness deep in the heart and unconscious mind. From a Buddhist point of view, attachment is the behaviour and values wrongly expressed by our thinking from deep within our hearts, preventing us from changing our existing thinking. No matter where the criticism comes from, we as Buddhists shall accept it as long as it hits the nail on the head. There is always something that we can learn from someone. This is rationality.
—— Master Jun Hong Lu,Words of Wisdom Volume 2
“执着”在 心理学上讲,就是内心深处和潜意识错误意识的存在感;佛法讲,执着就是内心思维错误的表现行为和理念,让自己不能改变旧思维。所以学佛人不管谁讲你,只要别人讲得对,你都要听。从人家身上学到自己想学的东西。这就是理智。
—— 《佛言佛语》第二册
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